Found 999+ experts

Amy Kyhos

Quinlan School of Business

Senior Lecturer; Director, Quinlan School of Business Honors Program at Quinlan School of Business

Elinore Moore

Quinlan School of Business

Adjunct Instructor at Quinlan School of Business

John Caltagirone

Quinlan School of Business

Founding Director, Loyola Business Leadership Hub, and Executive Director, Supply and Value Chain Center at Quinlan School of Business

Harry Haney

Quinlan School of Business

Associate Director at Quinlan School of Business

Frieda van Belle

Rotterdam School of Management

PHD in Physics at Rotterdam School of Management

Winnie Jiang

INSEAD Business School

Human Capital Leadership Institute

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour at INSEAD Business School

Saku Mantere

McGill Executive institute

Professor of Strategy and Organization at the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill Executive institute