Found 999+ experts

Bart De Waele

Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Peter De Prins

Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Professor of Management Practice at Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Bram Doolaege

Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Founding partner at Streetwize at Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Antonio Nieto Rodriguez

Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management

IE Business School

Professor of Project Management & Strategy Implementation at IE Business School

Professor - Project Management & Strategy Implementation at Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management

Katleen De Stobbeleir

Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Full Professor of Leadership at Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Smaranda Boros

Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Associate Professor Of Intercultural Management And Organisational Behaviour at Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Barney Jordaan

Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Professor of Management Practice in Negotiation and Mediation at Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Philippe Baecke

Trinity College Dublin

Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Associate Professor of Marketing at Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Stijn Viaene

Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Professor of Digital Transformation at Vlerick Business School Executive Education