Best executive courses in Germany

How can we help you?

For individuals

  • Analyze individual requirements
  • Provide relevant program recommendations

For corporate customers

  • Development of a customized program
  • Selection of educators with online teaching experience
  • Deployment of a customized LMS


6,371 USD

Understand what really drives people's behavior - and become a better leader Supported by research, this program will help you discover how you perform as a leader using a largely varied set of methods. These insights help you as leaders to build foundations for productive relationships,...

Sep 10—13, 2024

4 days in Berlin, Germany

6,371 USD

Oxford Management Centre

5,950 USD

Measure – Manage – Improve! Financial statements are designed to provide key organisational stakeholders with vital information about the financial performance and financial position of an enterprise; understanding their structure and meaning is the starting point for assessing the firm’s...

Aug 26—30, 2024

5 days in Paris, France

5,950 USD


4,694 USD

Reach your next level of leadership This program is about the excellence women bring to leadership. Maximize your and your team’s impact and learn how to overcome bias, strengthen your leadership talent and evaluate your career options. Learn how to emphasize both yourself-development and...

Dec 10—12, 2024

3 days in Berlin, Germany

4,694 USD

Need help in selection the right program?

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

3,901 USD

Corporate Finance is at the core of informed, value-generating managerial decision-making. Which numbers really tell the story? Which project to pursue, which to stop? How should an investment opportunity be valued? What is the appropriate financing going forward? Mastering these and many other...

Oct 28—30, 2024

3 days in Frankfurt, Germany

3,901 USD

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

8,327 USD

Acquire business skills in Blockchain technology The course delivers an insight into the Ethereum and Hyperledger frameworks among others; you will develop an in-depth understanding of cryptocurrencies and the full range of potential Blockchain use cases, projects and business models. This...

Sep 16—Dec 3, 2024

1 day in Frankfurt, Germany

8,327 USD

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

14,418 USD

Companies in the financial sector are subject to ever-increasing regulations. As a result, familiarity with implementation and adherence to laws, regulations, and voluntary commitment is becoming more and more complex. For many companies, this presents a major organisational challenge, as...

Sep 9, 2024—Mar 31, 2025

1 day in Frankfurt, Germany

14,418 USD


3,353 USD

Professionalize your supervisory board work The work of a Supervisory Board is intensive and complex - often influenced by legislators, shareholders and the public. Wirecard is a prominent negative example. The German Corporate Governance Code defines training and further education for...

Oct 24—25, 2024

2 days in Königswinter, Germany

3,353 USD

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

6,695 USD

Aufsichtsratsmitglieder benötigen heute mehr denn je ein breites Spektrum an Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten, um ihre zentralen Aufgaben – Aufsicht führen und Rat geben – erfüllen zu können. Es liegt im Interesse von Unternehmen und Anlegern gleichermaßen, die Qualität der Aufsichtsratsarbeit zu...

Nov 4—8, 2024

1 day in Frankfurt, Germany

6,695 USD


4,583 USD

Become an effective strategist Being an effective strategist requires a broad set of skills so that you can identify the right course of action and communicate it impactfully. Solid Growth – Strategy and Strategy Implementation will develop and strengthen these skills. It will help you...

Oct 14—16, 2024

1 day in Berlin, Germany

4,583 USD


3,912 USD

Design Thinking is one of the world‘s most popular methods of establishing a dynamic, customer-focused and goal-oriented innovation culture within the organization – for start-ups, SMEs and large corporations alike. With the methods of the Design Thinking approach, ideas can be improved within...

Oct 7—9, 2024

1 day in Potsdam, Germany

3,912 USD

How can we help you?

For individuals

  • Analyze individual requirements
  • Provide relevant program recommendations

For corporate customers

  • Development of a customized program
  • Selection of educators with online teaching experience
  • Deployment of a customized LMS