Best executive courses in Germany

How can we help you?

For individuals

  • Analyze individual requirements
  • Provide relevant program recommendations

For corporate customers

  • Development of a customized program
  • Selection of educators with online teaching experience
  • Deployment of a customized LMS

ESCP Europe Business School

34,335 USD

Take your career to the next level The international ESCP Europe General Management Programme (GMP), tailored to high-potential executives, equips you with the all the cross-functional knowledge and managerial skills you need to ramp up your performance as a leader in world-class...

On demand

Berlin, Germany

34,335 USD

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

14,418 USD

Companies in the financial sector are subject to ever-increasing regulations. As a result, familiarity with implementation and adherence to laws, regulations, and voluntary commitment is becoming more and more complex. For many companies, this presents a major organisational challenge, as...

Sep 9, 2024—Mar 31, 2025

1 day in Frankfurt, Germany

14,418 USD

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

13,961 USD

Since the Financial Crisis, global markets are undergoing fundamental and accelerating change in terms of market structure, product design, risk management and the regulatory environment. Frankfurt School of Finance and Management has joined forces with AEFMA Germany e.V. for this expert level...

On demand

Frankfurt, Germany

13,961 USD

Need help in selection the right program?


13,413 USD

If you are a senior leader looking to improve your skills and take on greater responsibilities, you know how complex and intricate your job can be. You need to consider a wide range of stakeholders and make strategic choices that require innovative approaches to management and leadership. The...

Sep 11—Oct 2, 2024

1 day in Berlin, Germany

13,413 USD

ESCP Europe Business School

10,971 USD

Developing entrepreneurial leaders to make transformation happen The entrepreneurial acceleration programme U-SCHOOL is designed and facilitated in strong alliance with experienced Entrepreneurs & Intrapreneurs to empower talented managers driving innovation forward in their...

On demand

Berlin, Germany

10,971 USD


10,618 USD

Preparing talents for effective and responsible leadership High-potentials assigned to their first significant leadership role need to prove themselves to their superiors, their teams, and peers. Succeeding requires a profound change in both skills and mindset: from a talent who delivers...

Oct 22—Nov 29, 2024

1 day in Berlin, Germany

10,618 USD

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

8,327 USD

Acquire business skills in Blockchain technology The course delivers an insight into the Ethereum and Hyperledger frameworks among others; you will develop an in-depth understanding of cryptocurrencies and the full range of potential Blockchain use cases, projects and business models. This...

Sep 16—Dec 3, 2024

1 day in Frankfurt, Germany

8,327 USD


8,048 USD

How to deal with complex leadership situations Leadership under Pressure draws on the aviation industry’s experience in disaster management training and analysis to achieve operational excellence and manage life-threatening situations. Crises events show that some fundamental assumptions...

Dec 2—4, 2024

3 days in Berlin, Germany

8,048 USD

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

6,695 USD

Aufsichtsratsmitglieder benötigen heute mehr denn je ein breites Spektrum an Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten, um ihre zentralen Aufgaben – Aufsicht führen und Rat geben – erfüllen zu können. Es liegt im Interesse von Unternehmen und Anlegern gleichermaßen, die Qualität der Aufsichtsratsarbeit zu...

Nov 4—8, 2024

1 day in Frankfurt, Germany

6,695 USD


6,371 USD

Understand what really drives people's behavior - and become a better leader Supported by research, this program will help you discover how you perform as a leader using a largely varied set of methods. These insights help you as leaders to build foundations for productive relationships,...

Sep 10—13, 2024

4 days in Berlin, Germany

6,371 USD

How can we help you?

For individuals

  • Analyze individual requirements
  • Provide relevant program recommendations

For corporate customers

  • Development of a customized program
  • Selection of educators with online teaching experience
  • Deployment of a customized LMS