Found 999+ experts

Richard Reddick

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Professor in the Program in Higher Education Leadership at Harvard Graduate School of Education

Stephen Shortell

Imperial College London

Haas School of Business

Professor and Dean Emeritus, UC Berkeley School of Public Health at Haas School of Business

Pippa Norris

Harvard Kennedy School

Paul F. McGuire Lecturer in Comparative Politics at Harvard Kennedy School

Benjamin William Cashore

National University of Singapore

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Professor in Public Management at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Daniel Hjorth

CBS Executive

Professor, Dr. Phil at CBS Executive

William Kinney

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans

McCombs School of Business

Professor Emeritus at McCombs School of Business

Tony Lachowetz

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Online Instructor at University of Massachusetts Amherst

Stefan Schwarzkopf

CBS Executive

Associate professor, PhD at CBS Executive