Found 999+ experts

Ilya Segal

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Professor of Economics (by courtesy) at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Pearl Steinbuch

Boston University

Senior Lecturer, Markets, Public Policy and Law Questrom School of Business at Boston University

Stephen Kobrin

The Wharton School

Stuart Bunderson

Olin Business School

Director of the Bauer Leadership Center and George & Carol Bauer Professor of Organizational Ethics & Governance at Olin Business School

Lawrence "Larry" Van Horn

Owen Graduate School of Management

Associate Professor of Management (Economics) at Owen Graduate School of Management

Kenneth Prewitt

School of International and Public Affairs

Carnegie Professor of Public Affairs, Special Advisor to the President at School of International and Public Affairs

Kate Mackie

McCombs School of Business

Emeritus Sr. Lecturer at McCombs School of Business

Denise Rousseau

Tepper School of Business

H. J. Heinz II University Professor of Organizational Behavior and Public Policy, Heinz College and Joint Appointment at Tepper School of Business at Tepper School of Business

Richard Parker

Harvard Kennedy School

Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School