Found 526 experts

Jens Hainmueller

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Professor of Political Economy (by courtesy) at Stanford Graduate School of Business

David Vogel

Haas School of Business

Soloman P. Lee Chair Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Business Ethics | Professor Emeritus, Political Science Department | Editor, California Management Review at Haas School of Business

Colin Pilbeam

Cranfield School of Management

Principal Research Fellow at Cranfield School of Management

Mark Rubinstein

Haas School of Business

Professor Emeritus at Haas School of Business

Andreas Rasche

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

CBS Executive

Professor of Business in Society & Associate Dean at CBS Executive

Lance Compa

ILR School

Senior Lecturer at ILR School

Kim Wolske

Harris School of Public Policy

Research Associate Professor at Harris School of Public Policy

Duncan Wigan

CBS Executive

Associate professor, at CBS Executive

Mitchell Petersen

Kellogg School of Management

Glen Vasel Professor of Finance, Director of the Heizer Center for Private Equity and Venture Capital at Kellogg School of Management