Found 999+ experts

Michelle Greenwald

Leonard N. Stern School of Business

IESE Business School

Marketing Professor at Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Visiting Professor at Haas School of Business

Matthew Mitchell

Rotman School of Management

Area Coordinator, Economic Analysis and PolicyProfessor of Economic Analysis and Policy at Rotman School of Management

Fernando Bernstein

Fuqua School of Business

Bob J. White Professor at Fuqua School of Business

David Ridley

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans

Fuqua School of Business

Professor of the Practice and Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Riddick, Jr. Research Fellow at Fuqua School of Business

Kevin H Shang

Fuqua School of Business

Professor of Operations Management at Fuqua School of Business

Robert Swinney

Fuqua School of Business

Associate Professor at Fuqua School of Business

Santiago Gallino

Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

The Wharton School

Associate Professor of Business Administration at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

Associate Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions at The Wharton School

Leonard Greenhalgh

Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

Professor of Management at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth