Found 999+ experts

Marshall Fisher

The Wharton School

Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions at The Wharton School

Leigh Thompson

Indian School of Business (ISB)

Kellogg School of Management

J. Jay Gerber Professor of Dispute Resolution & Organizations Professor of Management & Organizations Director of Kellogg Team and Group Research Center Professor of Psychology at Kellogg School of Management

Dan Cable

London Business School

Professor of Organisational Behaviour at London Business School

Ajay Kohli

The Scheller College of Business

Gary T. and Elizabeth R. Jones Chair in Management, Professor, Regents Professor at The Scheller College of Business

Francesca Gino

Harvard Business School

Tandon Family Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School

Robert Bruner

Darden School of Business

University Professor, Distinguished Professor of Business Administration and Dean Emeritus of the Darden School of Business at Darden School of Business

Robert Costanza

Crawford School of Public Policy

Professor and Chair in Public Policy at Crawford School of Public Policy

James Elliot Moore

Price School of Public Policy

Professor at Price School of Public Policy

Janne Ruokolainen

Aalto University School of Business

Professor, Director at Aalto University School of Business

Oliver Williamson

Haas School of Business

Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences at Haas School of Business