Found 730 experts

Tingliang Huang

Carroll School of Management

assistant professor - operations management department at Carroll School of Management

Rita McGrath

Columbia Business School

Duke Corporate Education

Strategy Professor at Columbia Business School

William Clark

Fels Institute of Government

Harvard Kennedy School


Harvey Brooks Professor of International Science, Public Policy and Human Development at Harvard Kennedy School

Adjunct Professor at -

Kathleen Vohs

Carlson School of Management

Distinguished McKnight University Professor and Land O'Lakes Chair in Marketing at Carlson School of Management

Nan Liu

Carroll School of Management

assistant professor - operations management department at Carroll School of Management

George Chen

Heinz College

Assistant Professor of Information Systems at Heinz College

Youngme Moon

Harvard Business School

Donald K. David Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School

John Graham

Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Dean at Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Philip Stiles

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Rotterdam School of Management

Asian Banking School

Associate Professor in Corporate Governance at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Yasemin Kor

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Beckwith Professor of Management Studies at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education