Found 999+ experts

Bert De Reyck

UCL School of Management

Director Professor at UCL School of Management

Arnoud De Meyer

National University of Singapore

Human Capital Leadership Institute

Singapore Management University

Board Member at Human Capital Leadership Institute (HCLI) at Singapore Management University

Nick de Leon

London Business School

BVCA | Private Equity & Venture Capital Association

Imperial College London

Charlotte de Voogd

THNK School of Creative Leadership

Bart de Langhe

Luxembourg School of Business

ESADE Business School

Associate Professor, Department of Marketing in ESADE, Contracted Doctoral Professor at ESADE Business School

Mark de Rond

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Professor of Organisational Ethnography Fellow of Darwin College at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Kristine De Valck

HEC Paris

HEC Paris in Qatar

Dean of Degree Programs / Professor of Marketing at HEC Paris

Joost de Kluijver

THNK School of Creative Leadership

Sandra de Soto


Strategic Design & Innovation Manager at Accenture Song | Design Professor at ISDI