Found 999+ experts

Dan Cable

London Business School

Professor of Organisational Behaviour at London Business School

Samantha Conroy

Colorado State University

Associate Professor, Management, Academic Department at Colorado State University

Maria Grazia Roncarolo

Stanford University (ONLINE)

Stephane Cote

Rotman School of Management

Director, Phd ProgramProfessor of Organizational Behaviour & HR Management at Rotman School of Management

Emily Grijalva

University at Buffalo School of Management

Associate Professor Organization and Human Resources at University at Buffalo School of Management

Berend van Wachem

Imperial College London

Visiting Professor, Faculty of Engineering at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London

Roman Nowak

Aalto University School of Business

Associate professor, Materials Science at Aalto University School of Business

Eli Yi-Liang Tung

National University of Singapore

Debora Thompson

McDonough School of Business

Beyer Family Term Associate Professorship at McDonough School of Business

Anita McGahan

Rotman School of Management

Rotman Chair in Management Professor of Strategic Management at Rotman School of Management