Found 877 experts

Jonathan Pollack

Brookings Institution

Nonresident Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Center for East Asia Policy Studies, John L. Thornton China Center at Brookings Institution

Thomas Leeper

The London School of Economics and Political Science

Senior Visiting Fellow in Methodology at The London School of Economics and Political Science

Milan Vojnovic

The London School of Economics and Political Science

Professor, Chair in Data Science, Department of Statistics at The London School of Economics and Political Science

Jan Van Mieghem

Kellogg School of Management

A. C. Buehler Professor Professor of Operations at Kellogg School of Management

Barbara Kellerman

Harvard Kennedy School

James McGregor Burns Lecturer in Public Leadership at Harvard Kennedy School

Arthur Segel

Harvard Business School

Baker Foundation Professor of Management Practice at Harvard Business School

Elizabeth Gard


Professor of Law at Tulane University at -

Geoffrey Garrett

USC Marshall School of Business

The Wharton School

Dean, The Wharton School at The Wharton School

Dean; Robert R. Dockson Dean’s Chair in Business Administration & Professor of Management and Organization at USC Marshall School of Business

Cary Coglianese

University of Pennsylvania Law School

Fels Institute of Government

Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science at Fels Institute of Government

Edward B. Shils Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science; Director, Penn Program on Regulation at University of Pennsylvania Law School

Andrew Rose

Amsterdam Institute of Finance

National University of Singapore

Haas School of Business

Professor at Haas School of Business