Found 999+ experts

John Coates

Harvard Business School

Vice Dean for Finance and Strategic Initiatives (on leave)/John F. Cogan Professor of Law and Economics at Harvard Business School

Adi Sunderam

Harvard Business School

Willard Prescott Smith Professor of Corporate Finance at Harvard Business School

Enase Okonedo

Lagos Business School

Professor of management and an accomplished professional at Lagos Business School

Ingrid Nembhard

Yale School of Management

The Wharton School

Fishman Family President''s Distinguished Associate Professor at Yale School of Management

Fishman Family President's Distinguished Associate Professor; Associate Professor of Health Care Management at The Wharton School

Lord Wilson Of Dinton

Asian Banking School

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Daniel Ralph

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Professor of Operations Research at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Eden Yin

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

University Senior Lecturer in MarketingDirector of the MPhil in Management Programme Fellow of St Edmund''s College at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Amir Amel-Zadeh

Said Business School

Associate Professor of Accounting at Said Business School