Found 999+ experts


BNU Business School

Assistant Professor at the Department of Strategic management at BNU Business School

Llewellyn Howell

Thunderbird School of Global Management

Emeritus Professor of International Management at Thunderbird School of Global Management

Johannes Widodo

National University of Singapore

Associate Professor at National University of Singapore

Ni Eng Lim

Nanyang Technological University

Assistant Professor, School of Humanities at Nanyang Technological University

Chenjie Xu

Associate Professor at City University of Hong Kong

Kim Huat Goh

Nanyang Business School

Associate Professor at Nanyang Business School, NTU at Nanyang Business School

Junming Liu

CityU College of Business

Assistant Professor at CityU College of Business

Vivien Lim

National University of Singapore

Professor at National University of Singapore

Richard Smith

Indian School of Business (ISB)