Found 730 experts

Marshall Ganz

Harvard Kennedy School

Senior Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School

John Cochrane

Booth School of Business

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Distinguished Senior Fellow at Booth School of Business

Professor of Finance (by courtesy) and Professor in Economics (by courtesy) at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Serguey Braguinsky

The Robert H. Smith School of Business

Andrew Hafenbrack

Foster School of Business

Assistant Professor of Management and Organization at Foster School of Business

Matthew Kotchen

Yale School of Management

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Professor of Economics at Yale School of Management

Raimo Lovio

Aalto University School of Business

Professor, Organization and Management at Aalto University School of Business

David Spence

Executive School of Management, Technology and Law

McCombs School of Business

Professor at McCombs School of Business

Seppo Ikäheimo

Aalto University School of Business

Professor, Accounting (Corporate Governance) at Aalto University School of Business

Stanley Griffis

Eli Broad College of Business

Professor of Business Administration, and a Professor of Logistics at Eli Broad College of Business