Karlien Vanderheyden

Professor of Organisational Behaviour at Vlerick Business School Executive Education


  • Vlerick Business School Executive Education



Karlien focusses on how we, as individuals, can impact the working processes and the performance of organisations.Karlien Vanderheyden studies the social intelligence of people and how individuals can enhance the performance of organisations through their own behaviour and the interaction with others. She uses her experience to research and teach skills, styles and behaviour of individuals and teams, e.g. cognitive styles, decision-making, pitfalls in teams.

Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Karlien Vanderheyden studies the social intelligence of people. She explores how individuals can enhance an organisation’s performance, through their behaviour and the way they interact with others. She also coaches managers to optimise their performance.

Her main research interests lie in managing people. She focuses on decision-making and intuition, diverse teams, individual differences and performance. Her book, Essentials in Communication, illustrates how to combine theory and practice.

At Vlerick, Karlien teaches people management on both our degree programmes and customised programmes. She’s also the co-director of the Centre for People in the Smart Digitised Supply Chain.

Who am I?

  • Associate Professor at Vlerick Business School
  • Doctor in Psychology at Ghent University
  • Visiting Research Fellow at University of Maryland, US (1994-1995)
  • Masters in Industrial and Organisational Psychology at Ghent University

My expertise

  • Coaching
  • Cognitive styles
  • Communication and interaction
  • Decision-making and intuition
  • Team dynamics
  • Skills of the future
  • Leadership


Articles in refereed journals with impact

  • Baecke P. De Baets S. Vanderheyden K.  2017. Investigating the added value of integrating human judgement into statistical demand forecasting systems. International Journal of Production Economics, 191(September): 85-96.

  • Bouckenooghe D. Cools E. De Clercq D. Vanderheyden K. Fatima T.  2016. Exploring the impact of cognitive style profiles on different learning approaches: Empirical evidence for adopting a person-centered perspective. Learning and Individual Differences, 51: 299-306.

  • Vanderheyden K. De Baets S.  2015. Does cognitive style diversity affect performance in dyadic student teams?. Learning and Individual Differences, 38(February): 143-150.

  • Cools E. De Pauw A.-S. Vanderheyden K.  2011. Cognitive styles in an international perspective: Cross-validation of the Cognitive Style Indicator. Psychological Reports, 109(1): 59-72.

  • Bouckenooghe D. Vanderheyden K. Van Laethem S. Mestdagh S.  2007. Cognitive motivation correlates of coping style in decisional conflict. Journal of Psychology - Interdisciplinary and Applied, 141(6): 605-625.

  • Bouckenooghe D. Buelens M. Fontaine J. Vanderheyden K.  2005. The prediction of stress by values and value conflict. Journal of Psychology, 139(4): 369-382.

Articles in other (un)refereed journals

  • Cools E. Vanderheyden K. Backhaus K.  2014. The impact of student style differences and motivation on learning outcomes in management education: an international inquiry. Reflecting education, 9(2): 85-100.

  • Bouckenooghe D. Van den Broeck H. Cools E. Vanderheyden K.  2005. In Search for the Heffalump: An Exploration of the Cognitive Style Profiles among Entrepreneurs. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 10(4): 58-75.

  • Devos G. Van den Broeck H. Vanderheyden K.  1998. The concept and practice of a school-based management contest: integration of leadership development and organizational learning. Educational Administration Quarterly, 34(5): 700-717.

  • Vanderheyden K. Devos G.  1996. Feedback aan leerkrachten. Schoolleiding en -begeleiding, (17): 1-15.

  • Devos G. Vanderheyden K.  1994. De professionele samenwerking tussen leerkrachten in het secundair onderwijs. Klasse, (45)

Book Chapters

  • Willem A. Vanderheyden K. Cools E.  2005. Foundations of Organisational behaviour. In: Kinicki A. Kreitner R. Buelens M. Van den Broeck H. Vanderheyden K. Ed. Organisational Behaviour: third edition (pp. 2-40). McGraw Hill.

  • Vanderheyden K. Cools E. Debussche F.  2005. Group dynamics. In: Kinicki A. Kreitner R. Buelens M. Van den Broeck H. Vanderheyden K. Ed. Organisational Behaviour: third edition (pp. 327-369). McGraw Hill.

  • Vanderheyden K. Cools E. Debussche F.  2005. Teams and teamwork. In: Kinicki A. Kreitner R. Buelens M. Van den Broeck H. Vanderheyden K. Ed. Organisational Behaviour: third edition (pp. 370-410). McGraw Hill.

  • Van den Broeck H. Vanderheyden K. Cools E.  2002. Linking cognitive styles and values. In: Ed. Liber Amicorum Pol Coetsier. Mens en Organisatie. (pp. 245-261). Academia Press.

  • Van den Broeck H. Vanderheyden K.  2000. Werken in teams: onderzoek naar het profiel van aggregaatsstudenten. In: Ed. Liber Amicorum Pol Coetsier (pp. 335-357). CSHP.


Conference Presentations

  • Cools E. Vanderheyden K. Van Beirendonck C.  2015. A Further Inquiry on the Measurement Invariance of the Cognitive Style Indicator (CoSI). Paper presented at 20th Annual International Conference, June 1-3, Exeter, United Kingdom.

  • De Baets S. Baecke P. Vanderheyden K.  2014. An empirical investigation on the value of combined judgmental and statistical forecasting. Paper presented at 34th Annual International Symposium on Forecasting, June 29-July 2, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

  • De Baets S. Vanderheyden K. Buelens M.  2014. The role of expertise, context and the forecasting phase in judgmental forecasting research. Paper presented at 34th Annual International Symposium on Forecasting, June 29-July 2, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

  • De Baets S. Vanderheyden K. Buelens M.  2013. Combining data analytics and human judgment in the organizational environment. Paper presented at Society for Judgment and Decision Making Annual Conference, November 15-18, Toronto, Canada.

  • Vanderheyden K. Cools E. De Baets S.  2011. Cognitive style and personality trait diversity in dyads: how to optimize the cooperation?. Paper presented at 16th Annual Conference of the Education, Learning, Styles & Individual differences Network, June 29-July 1, Antwerp, Belgium.

  • Vanderheyden K. Cools E. Lommelen B.  2011. Cognitive styles and teamwork: an investigation of the effects of cognitive based team composition on team outcomes in the context of management education. Paper presented at 15th European Congress on Work and Organizational psychology (EAWOP), May 25, Maastricht, the Netherlands.

  • Vanderheyden K. Lommelen B. Cools E.  2011. Cooperation in dyads: the influence of cognitive style and personality trait diversity on team performance and satisfaction. Paper presented at 15th European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), May 25-28, Maastricht, the Netherlands.

  • Bellens K. Cools E. Vanderheyden K.  2011. Relevance of the onion model: myth or reality in the field of individual differences psychology?. Paper presented at 15th European Congress on Work and Organizational psychology (EAWOP), May 25-28, Maastricht, the Netherlands.

  • Deprez J. Cools E. Vanderheyden K. Backhaus K. Bouckenooghe D.  2011. Stimulating a constructive learning climate: an international inquiry on the impact of individual learner differences on academic performance in management education. Paper presented at 15th European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), May 25-28, Maastricht, the Netherlands.

  • Bellens K. Cools E. Vanderheyden K.  2011. The learning process of management students unraveled: a moderated mediation study. Paper presented at 16th Annual Conference of the Education, Learning, Styles & Individual differences Network, June 29-July 1, Antwerp, Belgium.

  • Deprez J. Cools E. Vanderheyden K. Backhaus K. Bouckenooghe D.  2010. Cognitive styles and learning: an international inquiry on the 'mathcing hypothesis'. Paper presented at 15th European Learning Styles Information Network (ELSIN) conference, June 28-30, Aveiro, Portugal.

  • Lommelen B. Vanderheyden K. Cools E.  2010. Cognitive styles and teamwork: an investigation of the effects of cognitive team composition on team processes, team performance, and team satisfaction. Paper presented at 15th European Learning Styles Information Network (ELSIN) conference, June 28-30, Aveiro, Portugal.

  • Cools E. Vanderheyden K. Deprez J. Warmoes V.  2010. Taking individual differences seriously to encourage students' learning and development: a longitudinal design. Paper presented at 15th European Learning Styles Information Network (ELSIN) conference, June 28-30, Aveiro, Portugal.

  • Cools E. Vanderheyden K. Horlait M.  2009. An inquiry on the career preferences of management students: do cognitive and personality characteristics matter?. Paper presented at 14th European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, May 13-16, Santiago de Compostella, Spain.

  • Cools E. De Pauw A.-S. Vanderheyden K.  2009. Cognitive style profile in an international perspective: a study of Belgian and South-African respondents. Paper presented at 14th European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, May 13-16, Santiago de Compostella, Spain.

  • Vanderheyden K.  2008. The forced-fit exercise: one way to teach style differences. Paper presented at 13th European Learning Styles Information Network (ELSIN) conference, June 23-25, Ghent, Belgium.

  • Van den Broeck H. Cools E. Bouckenooghe D. Vanderheyden K.  2005. In Search for the Heffalump: An Exploration of the Cognitive Style Profiles among Entrepreneurs. Paper presented at Annual meeting of 'Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences' (BAPS), May 27, Gent, Belgium.

  • Van den Broeck H. Vanderheyden K. Cools E.  2004. Individual differences in cognitive styles in an organizational context: Development, validation and cross-validation of the Cognitive Style Inventory (CoSI). Paper presented at 12th European Conference on Personality, July 18-22, Groningen, the Netherlands.

  • Van den Broeck H. Vanderheyden K. Cools E.  2004. Individual differences in cognitive styles in an organizational context: Development, validation and cross-validation of the Cognitive Style Inventory (CoSI). Paper presented at 12th European Conference on Work and Organizational Personality, May 12-15, Istanbul, Turkey.

  • Van den Broeck H. Vanderheyden K. Cools E.  2003. Individual differences in cognitive styles: development, validation and cross-validation of the cognitive style inventory. 

  • Van den Broeck H. Vanderheyden K. Cools E.  2003. Linking cognitive styles and values. Paper presented at 11th European Congress on Work and Organisational Psychology, May 14-17, Lisboa, Portugal.

  • Van Laethem S. Mestdagh S. Vanderheyden K.  2003. Personality correlates of coping styles in decisional conflict : contribution of need for cognition and need for closure. Paper presented at 16th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management, June 15-18, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Van den Broeck H. Vanderheyden K. Cools E.  2002. Differences in value systems according to cognitive styles. Paper presented at 11th European Conference on Personality, July 21-25, Jena, Germany.

  • Devos G. Van den Broeck H. Vanderheyden K.  2001. A framework for assessing commitment to change. Process and context variables of organizational change. Paper presented at Academy of Management 61th annual meeting, August 3-8, Washington, DC, United States.

Conference Proceedings

  • Cools E. Vanderheyden K.  2013. Further validation of the Cognitive Style Indicator (CoSI). In: Boström L. Augustsson G. Evans C. Cools E. Charlesworth Z. Building learning capacity for life - Proceedings of the 18th annual conference of the Education, Learning, Styles, Individual differences Network (pp. 405-416). Billund:

  • Bellens K. Cools E. Vanderheyden K. Raja U. Bouckenooghe D.  2012. Unravelling the impact of teaching and learning processes on the course experience of management students: A moderated mediation study.. In: Charlesworth Z. Cools E. Evans C. Individual differences. Proceedings of the 17th Annual conference of the Education, Learning, Styles & Individual differences Network (ELSIN) (pp. 81-93).

  • Vanderheyden K. De Baets S.  2012. Does cognitive style diversity affect performance in dyadic cooperations?. In: Charlesworth Z. Cools E. Evans C. Individual differences. Proceedings of the 17th Annual conference of the Education, Learning, Styles & Individual differences Network (ELSIN)

  • Vanderheyden K. Cools E. De Baets S.  2011. Cognitive style and personality trait diversity in dyads: how to optimize the cooperation?. In: Vanthournout G. Coertjens L. Donche V. Gijbels D. Evans C. Cools E. Pedrosa De Jesus M. Developing learning within and across disciplines: evidence from research and practice. (pp. 379-386).

  • Cools E. Vanderheyden K. Horlait M.  2009. An inquiry on students' career preferences: do cognitive styles matter?. (pp. 137-149). Bulle-en-Gruyere:

  • Cools E. De Pauw A.-S. Vanderheyden K.  2009. Cognitive styles in an international perspective: cross-validation of the Cognitive Style Indicator. (pp. 150-162). Bulle-en-Gruyere:

  • Vanderheyden K.  1999. A climate for customer orientation in the product development department: antcedents and consequences. Atlanta, GA:

  • Schneider B. Wang Z. Rafaeli A. Vanderheyden K.  1998. Recent research on service quality. San Francisco:

  • Schneider B. Paul M. Schoenberger S. Vanderheyden K.  1996. Service Quality in a bank: the time lags between employee and customer perceptions. San Diego:

  • Vanderheyden K.  1994. A process to create a better understanding between new product development people and their customers. Brussels:

  • Debackere K. Fleurent I. Vanderheyden K. Huyskens L.M.  1994. Managing the knowledge portfolio: a critical asset for successful new product development. Gothenburg:

  • Vanderheyden K. Clarysse B.  1992. Learning while innovating: implications for intercultural management. Cranfield:

Doctoral dissertation

  • Vanderheyden K.  1998. The influence of human resource practices and interdepartmental connectedness on the effectiveness of the customer orientation of the R&D department. 

Research reports

Vlerick working papers

  • De Baets S. Vanderheyden K. Buelens M.  2013. Judgment in forecasting: moving from artificial experiments to the organizational environment. Vlerick Working Paper Series 2013/05 (30p.).

  • Vanderheyden K. De Baets S.  2012. Does cognitive style diversity affect performance in dyadic cooperations. Vlerick Working Paper Series 2012/10 (31p.).

  • Cools E. Deprez J. Vanderheyden K. Bellens K. Backhaus K. Bouckenooghe D.  2011. Individual differences in management education: an international inquiry about their impact on learning outcomes. Vlerick Working Paper Series 2011/02 (31p.).

  • Vanderheyden K. Lommelen B. Cools E.  2010. Cognitive styles and teamwork: examining the impact of team composition on team processes and outcomes. Vlerick Working Paper Series 2010/10 (43p.).

  • Cools E. De Pauw A.-S. Vanderheyden K.  2009. Cognitive styles in an international perspective: cross-validation of the cognitive indicator. Vlerick Working Paper Series 2009/11 (21p.).

  • Cools E. Vanderheyden K.  2009. The search for person-career fit: do cognitive styles matter?. Vlerick Working Paper Series 2009/17 (28p.).

  • Cools E. De Pauw A. Vanderheyden K.  2009. Cognitive styles in an international perspective: Cross-validation of the cognitive style indicator. 2009

  • Bouckenooghe D. Van den Broeck H. Cools E. Vanderheyden K.  2005. In search for the heffalump: An exploration of the cognitive style profiles among entrepreneurs. Vlerick Working Paper Series 2005/04 (24p.).

  • Bouckenooghe D. Buelens M. Fontaine J. Vanderheyden K.  2004. Running head: values, value conflict and stress the prediction of stress by values and value conflict. 2004/13 (21p.).

  • Van den Broeck H. Vanderheyden K. Cools E.  2003. Individual differences in cognitive styles: Development, validation and cross-validation of the Cognitive Style Inventory. Vlerick Working Paper Series 2003/27 (31p.).

  • Van den Broeck H. Vanderheyden K. Cools E.  2003. Linking cognitive styles and values. Vlerick Working Paper Series 2003/9 (25p.).

  • Van den Broeck H. Vanderheyden K. Cools E.  2003. The field of cognitive styles: From a theoretical review to the construction of the cognitive style inventory. Vlerick Working Paper Series 2003/26 (29p.).

  • Devos G. Van den Broeck H. Vanderheyden K.  2002. A framework for assessing commitment to change. Process and context variables of organizational change. 2002/11 (34p.).

  • Vanderheyden K.  1993. De organisatorische determinanten van externe klantgerichtheid in de R&D-afdeling. 

  • Van den Broeck H. Van Assche E. Vanderheyden K.  1992. De lerende organisatie: organisatiedesign voor het jaar 2000. 

  • Whitely W. Vanderheyden K.  1989. The relationship between meaning of working patterns and work outcomes: a single organization study. 1989

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