Heather Haveman

Professor at Haas School of Business


  • Haas School of Business



Haas School of Business

PhD, Organizational Behavior and Industrial Relations, UC Berkeley
MBA, University of Toronto
BA, History, University of Toronto
Positions Held
At Haas since 2006
2006 – Present, Professor, Sociology and Business, UC Berkeley
1998 – 2007, Professor, Columbia University, Graduate School of Business
1994 – 1999, Associate to Full Professor, Cornell University, Johnson Graduate School of Management
1990 – 1994, Assistant to Associate Professor, Duke University, Fuqua School of Business
Current Research and Interests
- Organizational theory - Economic sociology - Historical sociology - Entrepreneurship

Selected Papers and Publications
- BOOK  Haveman, Heather A.  2015.  Magazines and the Making of America:  Modernization, Community, and Print Culture, 1741-1860Princeton, NJPrinceton University Press. - Haveman, Heather A., Nan Jia, Jing Shi, and Yongxiang Wang.  2016.  The dynamics of political embeddedness in China.  Administrative Science Quarterly, in press. - Haveman, Heather A., and Christopher I. Rider.  2014.  The spatial scope of competition and the geographic distribution of entrepreneurship:  American magazine foundings and the U.S. post office.  Sociological Science, 1 (3):  111-127. - Goldstein, Adam, and Heather A. Haveman.  2013.  Pulpit and press:  Denominational dynamics and the growth of religious magazines in antebellum America.  American Sociological Review, 78 (5):  797-827. - David, Robert J., Wesley D. Sine, and Heather A. Haveman.  2013.  Seizing opportunity in emerging fields:  How entrepreneurs legitimated the professional form of management consulting.  Organization Science, 24 (2):  356-377. - Haveman, Heather A., Jacob Habinek, and Leo A. Goodman.  2012.  How entrepreneurship evolves:  The founders of new magazines in America, 1741-1860.  Administrative Science Quarterly, 57 (4):  585-624. - Haveman, Heather A., and Lauren S. Beresford.  2012.  If you’re so smart, why aren’t you the boss?  Explaining the persistent vertical gender gap in management.  Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 639:  114-130.

- Evaluation of Evidence, Soc 5 - Organizations, Soc 280D - Research Design , Soc 275 - Sociology of Entrepreneurship, Soc 190

Honors and Awards
- 2016  Book Award, American Sociological Association, Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology Section (Magazines and the Making of America) - 2016  Renowned Guest Researcher, École Supérieure des Sciences Économiques et Commerciales (ESSEC), Cergy-Pontoise, France - 2008 Invited to participate in 2008 Nobel Symposium on the Foundations of Organization - 2005 Elected to the Sociological Research Association - 2001 Best Symposium, Academy of Management, Organization & Management Theory Division - 1999-2007 Faculty Fellow, Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy, Columbia University - 1997-1998 Clifford H. Whitcomb Faculty Fellow, Cornell University - 1997 Max Weber Award from the Organizations, Occupations, and Work Section of the American Sociological Association (best paper published in the last three years, for Haveman and Cohen, 1994 AJS) - 1990 Lou Pondy Award, from the Organization and Management Theory Division of the Academy of Management (best paper from a dissertation, later published as Haveman, 1992 ASQ)


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