Found 999+ experts

Cheng Yong Tang

Fox School of Business

Associate Professor, Statistical Science at Fox School of Business

Chris Voss

London Business School

Emeritus Professor of Management Science and Operations at London Business School

CEO, Founder, Instructor and Keynote Speaker at The Black Swan Group at -

Jerel Slaughter

Eller Executive Education

Eller Professor of Management, Management and Organizations Department Head at Eller Executive Education

Sue Ashford

Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Michael & Susan Jandernoa Professor of Management and Organizations. Chair of Management & Organizations at Stephen M. Ross School of Business

David Soberman

Rotman School of Management

Canadian National Chair in Strategic MarketingChair of the Rotman DesignWorks Advisory BoardArea Coordinator, MarketingProfessor of Marketing at Rotman School of Management

Mike Ludkovski


Professor at University of California, Santa Barbara at -

Bryan Ford

IMD Business School

Associate Professor at EPFL at IMD Executive Education

Daniel Esty

Yale School of Management

Hillhouse Professor of Environmental Law and Policy, jointly with Yale Law School; Director of the Center for Environmental Law and Policy at Yale School of Management

Andreas Buja

The Wharton School

The Liem Sioe Liong/First Pacific Company Professor at The Wharton School

Dan Esty


Hillhouse Professor of Environmental Law & Policy at -