Found 999+ experts

Jon Tucker

Bristol Business School

Professor of Finance at Bristol Business School

Wai Mun Fong

NUS Institute of Systems Science

Associate Professor at NUS Institute of Systems Science

Qiao Liu

Guanghua School of Management

Professor Finance at Guanghua School of Management

Katja Hölttä Otto

Aalto University School of Business

Associate Professor, Tuotekehitys at Aalto University School of Business

Kineta Hung

Professor Department of Communication Studies

Sarah Cheah

National University of Singapore

Associate Professor, Department of Management and Organization at National University of Singapore

Zhichuan Xu

Nanyang Technological University

Professor, School of Materials Science & Engineering at Nanyang Technological University

Jian-Xin Xu

National University of Singapore

Professor at National University of Singapore

Olivier Lefebvre

National University of Singapore

Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at National University of Singapore

Noah Gans

The Wharton School

Anheuser-Busch Professor of Management Science at Wharton at The Wharton School