Found 862 experts

Kim Normann Andersen

CBS Executive

Professor, PhD at CBS Executive

Susan Brown

Terry College of Business

Eller Executive Education

APS Professor of MIS, MIS Department Head at Eller Executive Education

Israel Shaked

Boston University

PROFESSOR, FINANCE at Boston University

Morgan McCall

USC Marshall School of Business

Professor Emeritus of Management and Organization at USC Marshall School of Business

Martin Davidson

Tepper School of Business

Darden School of Business

Senior Associate Dean and Chief Diversity Officer | Johnson and Higgins Professor of Business Administration at Darden School of Business

Beril Toktay

The Scheller College of Business

Professor of Operations Management, Brady Family Chair, and ADVANCE Professor;Faculty Director, Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business at The Scheller College of Business

Wendy Tate

Haslam College of Business

Cheryl Massingale Faculty Research Fellow, Professor at Haslam College of Business

L. Beril Toktay

The Scheller College of Business

Sumit Agarwal

National University of Singapore

NUS Institute of Systems Science

McDonough School of Business

Head of Department, Finance Professor of Finance, Economics and Real Estate Low Tuck Kwong Distinguished Professor at NUS Institute of Systems Science

Professor at McDonough School of Business

Cheng Li

Brookings Institution

Director - John L. Thornton China Center, Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy at Brookings Institution