Found 999+ experts

Nerea Gómez Fernández

Professor in the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Valencia

Sylvie Deffayet Davrout

EDHEC Business School

Head of Leadership and Managerial Competencies Chair & Professor at EDHEC Business School

Hubert Faucher


Teaching Professor, Marketing Department at ESSEC

Henri Sterdyniak

Sciences Po

Chercheur affilié at Sciences Po

José María Beneyto

IE Business School

Founder at IE Business School

Sofia Kühnel

IE Business School

Lecturer at IE Business School

Carolina Diaz-Espina

Profesora universitaria e-learning - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Arjan Sundardas

IE Business School

Associate Professor at IE Business School

Maud Tixier


Emeritus Professor, Communications Department at ESSEC