Found 999+ experts

Douglas Almond

School of International and Public Affairs

Professor of International and Public Affairs and Economics at School of International and Public Affairs

Theresa Singleton

Syracuse University

Professor, Anthropology at Syracuse University

Li Chen

School of Hotel Administration

Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Associate Professor at Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

Paul Fischer

The Wharton School

Samuel R. Harrell Professor at The Wharton School

Leslie Eldenburg

Eller Executive Education

Professor Emerita at Eller Executive Education

Henry Robben

Nyenrode Business University

Professor at Nyenrode Business University

Rob Smith

Fisher College of Business

Assistant Professor of Marketing at Fisher College of Business

Abdifatah Ali

Carlson School of Management

Assistant Professor Work & Organizations at Carlson School of Management

Stephannie Larocque

Mendoza College of Business

Notre Dame Associate Professor of Accountancy at Mendoza College of Business

Simo Hostikka

Aalto University School of Business

Associate professor, Fire Safety Engineering at Aalto University School of Business