Found 999+ experts

Yusaf Akbar

Central European University

Deputy Head of the Department of Economics and Business Head of the Management Faculty Section, Department of Economics and Business at Central European University

David Faro

London Business School

Associate Professor of Marketing. MSc. (London) PhD (Chicago) at London Business School

Scott MacKenzie

Kelley School of Business

Professor of MarketingNeal Gilliatt Chair at Kelley School of Business

Andrew Stephen

University of Cape Town

Melbourne Business School

Said Business School

Associate Dean of Research and L’Oréal Professor of Marketing at Said Business School

Gregory Wheeler

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Professor of Philosophy and Computer Science at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Linda Bilmes

Harvard Kennedy School

Daniel Patrick Moynihan Senior Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School

Sri Zaheer

Carlson School of Management

Dean, Elmer L. Andersen Chair in Global Corporate Social Responsibility at Carlson School of Management

Soroush Saghafian

Harvard Kennedy School

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Assistant Professor of Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School

Tony Haitao Cui

Carlson School of Management

Deputy Associate Dean for Global DBA, Margaret J. Holden and Dorothy A. Werlich Endowed Professorship in Marketing, Professor of Marketing at Carlson School of Management

Garrett Van Ryzin

Columbia Business School

Paul M. Montrone Professor Emeritus of Private Enterprise in the Faculty of Business at Columbia Business School