Ramesh Venkataraman
Kelley School of Business
Associate Dean for Information and Instructional TechnologiesChair, Kelley Direct MBA & MS ProgramsJohn R. Gibbs ProfessorProfessor of Information Systems at Kelley School of Business
Holly Lawrence
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Assistant Dean, Office of Career Success and Senior Lecturer II Business Communication Program at University of Massachusetts Amherst
Francisco Villarroel
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Assistant Professor of Marketing at University of Massachusetts Amherst
Michael McGrath
USC Marshall School of Business
Stephen M. Ross School of Business
Adjunct Professor of Management & Organization at USC Marshall School of Business
Jane Giacobbe Miller
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Associate Professor, Retired Faculty at University of Massachusetts Amherst
Henrikki Tikkanen
Aalto University School of Business
Professor, Marketing at Aalto University School of Business