Found 999+ experts

Jan Bouwens

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Professor of Management Accounting at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Evan Bruno

Assistant Professor

Fredrik Logevall

Harvard Kennedy School

Laurence D. Belfer Professor of International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School

Adrian Ward

McCombs School of Business

Assistant Professor of Marketing at McCombs School of Business

David Ridley

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans

Fuqua School of Business

Professor of the Practice and Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Riddick, Jr. Research Fellow at Fuqua School of Business

Mystica Alexander

Bentley University

Professor of Law and Taxation at Bentley University

Shereen Fatimah

Singapore Management University

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources at Singapore Management University

Dustin Tingley

Harvard Business School

Harvard Kennedy School

Professor of Government at Harvard Business School

Brayden King

Northwestern University in Qatar

Kellogg School of Management

Max McGraw Chair in Management and the Environment, Professor of Management & Organizations, Chair of Management & Organizations Department at Kellogg School of Management

Alyssa Rapp

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Booth School of Business

Lecturer in Management at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Adjunct Professor at Booth School of Business