Dustin Tingley

Professor of Government at Harvard Business School


  • Harvard Business School
  • Harvard Kennedy School




Harvard Business School

Dustin Tingley is Professor of Government in the Government Department at Harvard University. Dustin is Deputy Vice Provost for Advances in Learning, Faculty director for the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning Research Group (Harvard higher education data science group), and Faculty director for the Harvard Initiative on Learning and Teaching. He received a PhD in Politics from Princeton in 2010 and BA from the University of Rochester in 2001. His research interests include international relations, international political economy, statistical methodology, and experimental approaches to political science. His book on American foreign policy, Sailing the Water's Edge, was published in fall 2015, and was awarded the Gladys M. Kammerer Award for the best book published in the field of U.S. national policy. Recent projects include attitudes towards global climate technologies and policies, and the intersection of causal inference and machine learning methods for the social sciences.

Dustin co-founded ABLConnect, previously served as the Director of Graduate Studies for the Harvard Government Department and faculty director of IQSS's Undergraduate Research Scholar program. Dustin initiated and organized the Harvard Government Department annual poster session, and has organized interdisciplinary conferences on causal mechanisms, climate change politics, negotiation in international relations, active learning, and the intersection of causal inference and machine learning.


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