Found 999+ experts

David Sperling

Strathmore Business School

Professor at Strathmore Business School

David Wangombe

Strathmore Business School

Professor at Strathmore Business School

David Mathuva

Strathmore Business School

Senior Lecturer at Strathmore Business School at Strathmore Business School

David Sontag

Sloan School of Management

MIT Professional Education

Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Hermann L. F. von Helmholtz Career Development Professor, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES) at MIT Professional Education

David Whiting

The Chartered Institute of Marketing

David Sherwyn


School of Hotel Administration

GBTA Academy

Professor at School of Hotel Administration

David Stipanuk

School of Hotel Administration

Emeritus at School of Hotel Administration

David Hannah

Sauder School of Business

Faculty at Sauder School of Business

David Hurst

DeGroote School of Business