Found 408 experts

Lisa Koonce

McCombs School of Business

Professor at McCombs School of Business

Dante Pirouz

Eli Broad College of Business

Assistant Professor of Marketing at Eli Broad College of Business

Sandra Waddock

Carroll School of Management

professor and galligan chair of strategy at Carroll School of Management

Robin Nusslock

Kellogg School of Management

Northwestern University School of Professional Studies

Associate Professor at Northwestern University School of Professional Studies

Francesca Borgonovi

Sciences Po

Professorial Research Fellow at UCL Institute of Education/ Adjunct Professor at Sciences Po

Nathaniel Grow

Kelley School of Business

Associate Professor of Business Law and Ethics at Kelley School of Business

John Juzbasich

Rutgers school of business—Camden

The College of Business and Economics at Lehigh University

CEO of Merit Systems LLC at The College of Business and Economics at Lehigh University

Maria Figueroa

ILR School

CBS Executive

Director, Labor and Policy Research at ILR School

Assistant professor, at CBS Executive

John Hollenbeck

Eli Broad College of Business

Das Narayandas

Harvard Business School

Edsel Bryant Ford Professor of Business Administration/Senior Associate Dean for HBS Publishing at Harvard Business School