Found 999+ experts

Fleury Rose

THNK School of Creative Leadership

Teresa Boyer

Villanova University

Associate Professor at Villanova University

Christine Blondel

The Kets de Vries Institute

INSEAD Business School

Adjunct Professor of Family Enterprise at INSEAD Business School

Allison Nicoletti

The Wharton School

Assistant Professor of Accounting at The Wharton School

David Gergen

Harvard Kennedy School

Public Service Professor of Public Leadership. Director, Center for Public Leadership at Harvard Kennedy School

Terje Gaustad

BI Norwegian Business School

Aalto University School of Business

Assistant Professor - Department of Communication and Culture at BI Norwegian Business School

Tor Grenness

BI Norwegian Business School

Professor Emeritus - Department of Communication and Culture at BI Norwegian Business School

Aliki Barnstone


Professor of English at University of Missouri at -

Keang Peng Song

Associate Professor at Monash University Malaysia

Petri Kuoppamäki

Aalto University School of Business

Professor, Business Law, specializing in competition law. at Aalto University School of Business