Found 263 experts

Frederic Brunel

Boston University

Associate Professor of Marketing/Dean''s Research Fellow at Boston University

John Addison

Darla Moore School of Business

Research Professor , at Darla Moore School of Business

Pippa Norris

Harvard Kennedy School

Paul F. McGuire Lecturer in Comparative Politics at Harvard Kennedy School

Farhana Sultana

Syracuse University

Associate Professor, Geography at Syracuse University

Joseph Newhouse

Harvard Kennedy School

John D. MacArthur Professor of Health Policy and Management, HKS and HSPH; Professor of Health Care Policy, HMS at Harvard Kennedy School

Yin-Wong Cheung

CityU College of Business

Hung Hing Ying Chair Professor of Int'l Economics at CityU College of Business

Shannon Gleeson

ILR School

Associate Professor at ILR School

Duane Windsor

Jones Graduate School of Business

Lynette S. Autrey Professor of Management - Strategic Management at Jones Graduate School of Business

Nicholas Christakis

Harvard Medical School

Yale School of Management

Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science at Yale School of Management

Julian Barling

Smith School of Business

Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Borden Chair of Leadership at Smith School of Business at Smith School of Business