Found 999+ experts

Agnès Van Zanten

Sciences Po

Directrice de recherche CNRS at Sciences Po

Jan Van Mieghem

Kellogg School of Management

A. C. Buehler Professor Professor of Operations at Kellogg School of Management

Walter Van Dyck

Imperial College London

Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Associate Professor of Technology & Innovation Management at Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Gijs Van Bussel

Nyenrode Business University

Position Professor at Nyenrode Business University

Vincent Van Peteghem

EDHEC Business School

Antwerp Management School

Associate Professor at EDHEC Business School

Mirjam Van Praag

CBS Executive

Professor, at CBS Executive

Jacques van Zyl

University of Stellenbosch Business School

Danielle van Jaarsveld

Sauder School of Business

Joris van Hoboken

Professor of Law at Vrije Universiteit Brussel