Found 999+ experts

John Campbell

CBS Executive

Professor of Sociology at CBS Executive

Boris Groysberg

Harvard Business School

Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School

Moran Cerf

Kellogg School of Management

Professor of Marketing at Kellogg School of Management

Lois Recascino Wise

Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Professor Emeritus at Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Pat Murphy

Mendoza College of Business

Emeritus Professor at Mendoza College of Business

Donald Siegel

The College of Engineering: Integrative Systems + Design

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering at The College of Engineering: Integrative Systems + Design

Frank Lichtenberg

Columbia Business School

Courtney C. Brown Professor of Business at Columbia Business School

Mohanbir Sawhney

Fundação Dom Cabral

Kellogg School of Management

Indian School of Business (ISB)

Associate Dean, Digital Innovation McCormick Foundation Chair of Technology Clinical Professor of Marketing Director of the Center for Research in Technology & Innovation at Kellogg School of Management

Marshall Fisher

The Wharton School

Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions at The Wharton School

Robert Rubinstein


Syracuse University

Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at Syracuse University