Wina Smeenk

at THNK School of Creative Leadership


  • THNK School of Creative Leadership



THNK School of Creative Leadership

Innovation Strategist at WiEN''S ontwerperschap

My experience and deep interests:

I am based in: Amsterdam

Other projects and organizations include: Participatietafel

For over ten years, I have worked as a design professional at various international companies. In addition, I imagined and developed design education programs at Han Communication & Mediamanagement, HvA Engineering, THNK, and Industrial Design at Eindhoven University of Technology.

Since 2010, I have been heading my own design studio: WiEN’S ontwerperschap. I aim to connect people and create social innovations together with all stakeholders. My empathic co-design approach supports public and private sectors to build a common vision connecting bottom-up needs of users and top-down goals. This leads to innovative, sustainable, and meaningful strategies resulting in impetus opportunities for design and transformation.

My academic and business-driven experience in initiating and managing design projects and people allows me to bridge both practice and academic as social and technical worlds. Since May 2016, I have been a PhD candidate at the Industrial Design Research Group at TU Eindhoven.

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