Wilson Wen Bin Goh

Academic Director, Data Science Research Cluster at Nanyang Technological University Singapore


I graduated with my PhD in Bioinformatics and Computational Systems Biology, Imperial College London in 2014, where I was jointly supervised by Marek Sergot (Imperial College London) and Limsoon Wong (National University of Singapore). I did my work on network theory, where I demonstrated how networks could be used for resolving coverage and consistency issues in high-dimensional biological data, particularly proteomics data.

Research Interests

Our research activities may be broadly divided into two areas: biodata science and education technology.

Biodata science is an exciting new area where the associative technologies associated with data science and relevant thinking skills are applied onto biological and health-related problems.

These may include how to resolve batch effect problems when effecting large-scale data mergers, improving study reproducibility, and understanding how choice of normalization method impacts downstream data modeling. We are also very interested in understanding how heterogeneity and data holes impacts outcome of analysis, especially in how it affects our interpretation of the underlying biological system.

Our interest in Education technology (EdTech) pertains to the use of data analytics for analyzing student performance and also the development of software for facilitating learning. In particular, we are interested in how we may leverage on big data and machine learning to unravel indicators of human-based deep learning. Instead of fielding our work on typical classroom-type settings, our interest is in combining EdTech with high-impact practices in teaching and learning, where deep learning is more likely to take place. Currently, we focus our research on NTU’s unique Deeper Experiential Engagement Project (DEEP), a large-scale pilot experiential learning project spread across different colleges.

Examples of some recent projects include:

BioData Science and Computational Biology

  1. Dealing with confounders in omics analysis
  2. Enabling more sophisticated proteomic profile analysis
  3. Resolving the missing protein problem using meaningful context
  4. Understanding the cost of batch effects in biological big data analysis
  5. Developing graph literacy skills
  6. How to improve upon weak validation practices in current machine learning

Education Technology

  1. Not feeling it — How does sentiment and motivation affect academic performance?
  2. Using machine-based deep learning to uncover the signs of human-based deep learning
  3. High-impact pedagogical practices

Current Grants

  • Computational approaches for charting the biomedical potential of plants in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve.
  • Computational Neuro-genetic Modelling for Diagnosis and Prognosis in Mental Health
  • Development of methods for comparing statistical feature-selection methods in biomedical and clinical data
  • Extending open science practices via adoption of open code
  • HOW READY ARE WE TO TRUST USING AI IN MEDICINE? A Study on Compliance to Governance, Engagement of Stakeholders and Integration into Medical System
  • Improving resolution of batch effects in proteomics data using data-smart strategies: 3 aspects
  • Integrating Next-Generation Sequencing Into UnderGraduate Health Training (INSIGHT)
  • Mechanisms of Progesterone Antagonism of Estrogen Action on the Endometrium
  • Novel methods of network modelling and personalised machine learning to understand and predict individual dementia using heterogeneous multi-omics data
  • Pathobiology and mechanism of progesterone receptor signaling defect in endometrium
  • Personalized AI for mental health prediction
  • Recovering Missing Proteins Based on Biological Complexes
  • Singapore Academies South-East Asia Fellowship Programme (FY21) - Alexander A. Hernandez
  • Targeting Host-Pathogen Synergy in Wound Infection
  • Transformational effects of curriculum co-creation in medical education


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