Thomas Duffin

Lecturer at University of Pennsylvania



Tom completed his PhD and Master of Law and Social Policy degrees at Bryn Mawr College Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research. He also completed Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Psychology at Villanova University. His dissertation topic was on the social construction of sexual identity, entitled, The Lowdown on the Down Low: Why Some Bisexually Active Men Identify as Straight. Tom teaches Social Policy at Bryn Mawr and has also taught graduate courses there on Social Theory and Data Analysis.

Tom recently retired from a long career in financial services industry where he served as a Certified Financial Planner and First Vice President at Wells Fargo Advisors. After retiring from the financial sector, Tom was motivated to combine his interests in finance and social change, with a particular emphasis on racial disparities and incarceration. Tom teaches Social Impact Entrepreneurship for Villanova University at a class held in SCI Phoenix, a maximum security men’s prison. He has also taught courses in the summer university program at the Copenhagen Business School on Social Impact Finance and Investments.

Tom is a licensed social worker (LSW), where he focuses on financial social work with the aim of connecting underserved populations to resources. Tom volunteers at Project HOME where he provides free one-on-one financial advice to people from underserved communities. Tom also serves on the advisory council of the Social Justice Initiative at Bryn Mawr College wherein they advocate for community-based alternatives to youth incarceration. Tom and his wife, Janice, are the proud parents of two fine young men, Tommy and Sean.

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