Shimon Kogan

Adjunct Associate Professor of Finance at The Wharton School


  • The Wharton School



The Wharton School

Dr. Shimon Kogan is an Associate Professor of Finance, with academic appointments at the Wharton School and IDC Herzliya. He was on the faculty at MIT Sloan, University of Texas at Austin, and Carnegie Mellon University. He held several investment management positions and consulted hedge funds, and he is currently on the advisory boards of a number of fintech startups He earned his MBA and PhD from the University of California at Berkeley and his BA from Tel Aviv University.

Dr. Kogan’s research focuses on behavioral finance with application to asset pricing. He is interested in understanding how information is processed in markets and his approach is interdisciplinary, integrating tools and insights from both psychology and computer science. His research appeared in some of the profession’s top journals such as the Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Finance, and the American Economic Review, and he was invited to present his work in leading conferences and universities, such as MIT, Wharton, Harvard, and Yale.

He has taught Investment, Portfolio Management, Behavioral Finance, and most recently his teaching is focused on FinTech, where he developed a unique course that focused on the understanding of the key technologies driving innovation in the FSI. He is often invited to speak about these issues in both academic and practitioners’ conferences.


  • « Distinguishing Overconfidence from Rational Best-Response on Information Aggregation », Review of Financial Studies, 2009, 22(5), pp. 1889-1914.
  • « Predicting Risk from Financial Reports with Regression », with Dimitry Levin, Bryan Rout- ledge, Jacob Sagi, and Noah Smith, Proceedings of the North American Association for Compu- tational Linguistics Human Language Technologies Conference, Boulder, CO, May/June 2009.
  • « Securities Auctions under Moral Hazard: Theory and Experiments », with John Morgan, Re- view of Finance, 2010, 14 (3), pp. 477-520.
  • « Coordination in the Presence of Asset Markets », with Anthony Kwasnica and Roberto Weber, American Economic Review, 2011, 101(2) , pp. 927-947.
  • « Investor Inattention and the Market Impact of Summary Statistics », with Thomas Gilbert, Lars Lochstoer, and Ataman Ozyildirim, Management Science, Special Issue on Behavioral Eco- nomics and Finance, 2012, 58(2), pp. 336-350.
  • « Trading Complex Assets », with Bruce Carlin and Richard Lowery, Journal of Finance, 2013, 68(5), 1937-1960.
  • « Business Microloans for U.S. Subprime Borrowers », with Cesare Fracassi, Mark J. Garmaise, and Gabriel Natividad, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2016, 51 (1), pp. 55-83.
  • « Is Investor Rationality Time Varying? Evidence from the Mutual Fund Industry », with Vincent Glode, Burton Hollifield, and Marcin Kacperczyk, Behavioral Finance: Where do Investors Bi- ases Come From?, Itzhak Venezia [ed.], World Scientific Publishing Co., 2016, pp. 67-113.


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