Maegan Stephens

Lecturer / MBA+ Communication Coach at McCombs School of Business


  • McCombs School of Business



McCombs School of Business

I've really only had two career aspirations since I was 4 years old (ok, maybe three aspirations if you count that adolescent period when I thought I would be a famous actress). In kindergarten I decided I wanted to be a teacher. Through elementary school, teachers would ask me to help other students, and I would occasionally get in trouble for being more concerned with assisting them than I was with finishing my own work. It wasn't until I was forced into a communication class in high school (the theatre class was full and my advisor sold it as "kinda theatre"​) that I finally knew what I was going to teach. I double majored in communication and theatre, while on a four-year scholarship to compete for the speech team, because I thought I would teach high-school after earning my degrees. After one year of undergrad, I quickly decided that high-schoolers are mean and instead decided to pursue my doctorate so I could teach at the college-level. As I became more politically-aware, I focused my graduate studies on political communication. For a time, I thought I would become a presidential speechwriter (insert career ambition #2). It was a communication-based job that would allow me to use my degrees and make an impact on the world; however, my interactions in the college classroom during graduate school made me realize I was skilled at helping others become better communicators (return to ambition #1). Since 2006 I have taught 1000+ undergraduate students at two universities and two community-colleges in various communication courses. In 2012 I realized my communication knowledge, teaching experience, and theatrical tendencies worked well in the professional environment. I began communication coaching and creating content for MBA students, Fortune 100 leaders, startup founders, and TED speakers. While I've given up on being "Hollywood famous," I look forward to continuing to make an impact for the world's current and aspiring leaders.


  • Master’s Degree Ball State University (2006 — 2008)
  • Bachelor’s Degree Wayne State University (2002 — 2006)
  • Bachelor’s Degree Wayne State University (2002 — 2006)

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