Liu Hong

Professor of Human Resources Management and Ph.D. Supervisor at the Department of Human Resource Management at Nanjing University


  • Nanjing University



Nanjing University

Liu Hong, Ph.D., Professor of Human Resources Management, Ph.D. Supervisor is currently the Secretary of the Party Committee of Nanjing University Business School. In 1982, he graduated from the Department of Automatic Control of Nanjing Machine Manufacturing School (currently called the Nanjing Institute of Technology). In 1989, he graduated from Hefei University of Technology with a master's degree in Management Engineering. In 1996, he finished his Ph.D. degree in Science and Engineering from Wuhan Automotive University (originally the Wuhan Institute of Technology, now Wuhan University of Technology). In 2000, he was a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Business Administration of Nanjing University. From 1982 to 2001, he had been an assistant professor, associate professor, professor, and Ph.D. Supervisor at Hefei University of Technology. He was listed in the “Subsidizing Plan on the Backbone Teachers of Higher Education Institutions” by the Ministry of Education and the “Cross-Century Cultivation Program for the Discipline-Leading Teachers” of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. Since 2002, Liu Hong has successively served as the Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor of Nanjing University Business School, the Director of the Department of Business Administration, the Vice Dean of the School of Business, and the Dean of the School of Management. He was awarded the Outstanding Young Backbone Teacher of Jiangsu Province, and the Young and Middle-aged Academic Leader of Jiangsu Province. He was selected into the third- and second-level training targets of Jiangsu “333 Program”, the Ministry of Education's New Century Talents Program, and received a special allowance from the State Council.

He has been the director of 6 projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2 projects from the National Social Science Foundation of China, and several consulting projects in Jiangsu Province, Anhui Province, Ministry of Education, and enterprises. He has published more than 100 papers in several important academic journals such as China Industrial Economy, Journal of Management Science, Management World, Nature Dialectics, Nature, Science Research, and China Soft Science. Many of his papers were reprinted in the full text by Xinhua Digest and Photocopying of Newspapers and Periodicals of Renmin University of China. He has published several books or textbooks such as Organization Complexity Management, Remuneration Management which have been selected into the National Best Textbooks, the Second Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of Jiangsu Province, the First, Second, Third Prize of the Outstanding Achievements in Social Sciences of Jiangsu Province, and the Third Prize of the Outstanding Achievements Award in Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education. His research results were read by the national leaders two times and were reported by The Daily News two times. Professor Liu was invited to attend the Xiangshan Science Conference, the Complexity Science Forum for Sino-French Bilateral Scientists, the Sino-German Evolutionary Economics Forum, and other important academic activities. As a visiting scholar, he went to Harvard Business School, School of Management of Cornell University, Israel TAU, Henglong Research Center of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Xi’an Jiaotong University. Currently, he is teaching courses mainly including Human Resources Management, Management Principles, Organizational Reform and Development, Organization Complexity Management, and Remuneration Management for the undergraduate, postgraduate, EMBA, MBA, and EDP students.

Research Fields

  1. Human Resource Management
  2. Organizational Complexity Management
  3. Organizational Reform and Innovation

Teaching Fields

  1. Human Resource Management (including pay management, performance management, leadership theory, and practice)
  2. Organizational Reform and Development
  3. Learning-focused Organization
  4. Principles of Management

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