Lawrence Brown

Professor of Statistics at The Wharton School

at Fox School of Business


  • The Wharton School
  • Fox School of Business



The Wharton School


  • PhD, Cornell University, 1964
  • BS, California Institute of Technology; 1961


  • Member, National Academy of Sciences
  • DSc (honorary) Purdue University, 1993
  • Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics and American Statistical Association
  • Recipient, Wilks Memorial Award (of the American Statistical Association), 2002
  • CR and B Rao Prize in statistics
  • Provost's Award for Doctoral Education (UPenn)

Academic Positions Held

  • Wharton: 1994present (named Miers Busch, W'1885, Professor, 1994).
  • Previous appointments: Cornell University; Rutgers University; University of California, Berkeley.
  • Visiting appointments: University of California, Los Angeles; Hebrew University; Technion, Haifa, Israel; Birkbeck College, London; Peking University and Chinese National Academy of Sciences, Beijing

Professional Leadership

  • National Academy of Sciences, Section 32 Chairman (Applied Mathematical Sciences), 20002002
  • Member, NRC Select Committee to Review U.S. Census for 2000, 19982004
  • Member, NRC Committee on National Statistics, 19992005,
  • Chairman, NRC Commi9ttee on National Statistics, 2011 Member, NAS Report Review Committee
  • Chairman, NRC Committee to Review Research and Development Statistics program at NSF, 20022005
  • Member, NRC Panel on Coverage Evaluation in the 2010 Census, 2003present

For more information, go to My Personal Page

Lawrence D. Brown and Daniel McCarthy (2016), Comments on the paper , Journal of American Statistical Association, (to appear).

Levine, M. Lawrence D. Brown, Wang, L. (Work In Progress), A Semiparametric Multivariate Partially Linear Model: A Difference Approach.

Sivan AldorNoiman, Lawrence D. Brown, Emily Fox, Robert A. Stine (2016), Spatiotemporal low count processes with application to violent crime events, Statistica Sinica, to appear.

Gourab Mukherjee, Lawrence D. Brown, Paat Rusmevichientong (Under Review), Empirical Bayes Prediction for the Multivariate Newsvendor Loss Function.

Lawrence D. Brown, Sivan AldorNoiman, E. B. Fox (Under Review), Spatiotemporal Low Count Processes with application to Violent Crime Events.

Lawrence D. Brown, P. A. Ernst, Lawrence A. Shepp, Wolpert, R.L. (Under Review), Stationary Gaussian Markov Processes as Limits of Stationary Autoregressive Time Series.

Lawrence D. Brown (2016), Comments on, Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, (to appear).

Lawrence D. Brown, L. M. Lynch, Citro, C.F. (2016), Reflections on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Monthly Labor Review , Monthly Labor Review, to appear.

Xie Xianchao, Samuel Kou, Lawrence D. Brown (2016), Optimal Shrinkage Estimation of Mean Parameters in Family of Distributions with Quadratic Variance, The Annals of Statistics, 44 (2), pp. 564597.

Andreas Buja, Richard A. Berk, Lawrence D. Brown, Edward I. George, Emil Pitkin, Mikhail Traskin, Kai Zhang, Linda Zhao (2015), Models as Approximations: How Random Predictors and Model Violations Invalidate Classical Inference in Regression, Statistical Science, (in press).

Past Courses


Data summaries and descriptive statistics; introduction to a statistical computer package; Probability: distributions, expectation, variance, covariance, portfolios, central limit theorem; statistical inference of univariate data; Statistical inference for bivariate data: inference for intrinsically linear simple regression models. This course will have a business focus, but is not inappropriate for students in the college.


Continuation of STAT 101. A thorough treatment of multiple regression, model selection, analysis of variance, linear logistic regression; introduction to time series. Business applications.


Further development of the material in STAT 111, in particular the analysis of variance, multiple regression, nonparametric procedures and the analysis of categorical data. Data analysis via statistical packages.


Discrete and continuous sample spaces and probability; random variables, distributions, independence; expectation and generating functions; Markov chains and recurrence theory.


Graphical displays; one and twosample confidence intervals; one and twosample hypothesis tests; one and twoway ANOVA; simple and multiple linear leastsquares regression; nonlinear regression; variable selection; logistic regression; categorical data analysis; goodnessoffit tests. A methodology course. This course does not have business applications but has significant overlap with STAT 101 and 102.


Elements of matrix algebra. Discrete and continuous random variables and their distributions. Moments and moment generating functions. Joint distributions. Functions and transformations of random variables. Law of large numbers and the central limit theorem. Point estimation: sufficiency, maximum likelihood, minimum variance. Confidence intervals.


Graphical displays; one and twosample confidence intervals; one and twosample hypothesis tests; one and twoway ANOVA; simple and multiple linear leastsquares regression; nonlinear regression; variable selection; logistic regression; categorical data analysis; goodnessoffit tests. A methodology course.


An introduction to the mathematical theory of statistics. Estimation, with a focus on properties of sufficient statistics and maximum likelihood estimators. Hypothesis testing, with a focus on likelihood ratio tests and the consequent development of "t" tests and hypothesis tests in regression and ANOVA. Nonparametric procedures.


This seminar will be taken by doctoral candidates after the completion of most of their coursework. Topics vary from year to year and are chosen from advance probability, statistical inference, robust methods, and decision theory with principal emphasis on applications.

  • Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS), 2013
  • Wilks Award of the American Statistical Association, 2002
  • Doctor of Science (Honorary), Purdue University, 1993
  • Lady Davis Professorship (Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem), 1988
  • Wald Lecturer, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1985

Knowledge @ Wharton

Telephone Call Centers: The Factory Floors of the 21st Century, Knowledge @ Wharton 04/10/2002

Fox School of Business

Best known for his research in earnings forecasting by security analysts, Brown has over 100 publications and has made nearly 200 presentations at universities and professional conferences. He has published at least two articles in each of the six most influential research journals in accounting: Journal of Accounting Research (12 articles), The Accounting Review (6 articles), Contemporary Accounting Research (7articles), Journal of Accounting and Economics (4 articles), Review of Accounting Studies (3 articles) and Accounting Organizations and Society (2 articles).  He also has published 2 articles in the premier research journal in finance, Journal of Finance and 6 in the premier research journal in forecasting, International Journal of Forecasting

Brown’s research papers have been downloaded by over 83,000 times, putting him in the top 3/100th of one percent of all downloaded authors who have posted their work to that website. He has been cited by scores of media outlets including Barron’s, Business Week, CNBC Business News, CFO Magazine, Economist, Forbes, Fortune, Institutional Investor, Investor’s Business Daily, Newsday, Newsweek, The New York Times, Reuters,, Spiegel Online, and The Wall Street Journal. Brown received numerous awards including the AAA Outstanding Accounting Educator Award, the Musser Award for Excellence in Research, and the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Best Paper Award.  He is a former Editor of The Accounting Review and a former Editorial Board member of Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, and the International Journal of Forecasting. He has been a member of the Executive Committee of the Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting for nearly 30 years, having organized the accounting-track of the CFEA three times.


  • PhD., University of Rochester
  • M.B.A., University of Chicago
  • B.S., SUNY-Buffalo


  • Financial Reporting
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Capital Markets Research
  • Forecasting
  • Corporate Governance
  • Bibliometric Research


  • Lawrence D Brown, Andrew C. Call, Michael B. Clement, and Nathan Y. Sharp, “Managing the Narrative: Investor Relations Officers and Corporate Disclosures,” ​Journal of Accounting and Economics,​ January 2019.


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