Lana Kim

Assistant Professor, Department of Marriage and Family Therapy at Valdosta State University at Harvard Medical School


  • Harvard Medical School




Harvard Medical School

Areas of Expertise

  • culture and cultural identity, gender, social constructionist and contextual approaches, couples therapy, and parent-child relationships

Academic Credentials

PhD 2012 Loma Linda University

M.S. 2008 Loma Linda University

BA 2004 University of British Columbia


ChenFeng, J., Kim, L., Knudson-Martin, C., & Wu, Y. (2016). Addressing culture, gender, and power with Asian American couples: Application of socio-emotional relationship therapy Family Process.

Hernandez, B.C., Kim, L., Lavery, A., & Denmark. T.K. (2016).Fostering self-awareness in collaborative reflective training: Commentary response. Family, Systems, & Health, 34(3), 292-293.

Kim, L., Hernandez, B., Lavery, A., & Denmark, T.K. (2016). Stimulating reflective practice using collaborative reflective training in breaking bad news simulations. Family, Systems, and Health. 34(2), 83-91.

Richards, J., Jonathan, N., & Kim, L. (2015). Building a Circle of Care in same-sex couple relationships: A socio-emotional relational approach. In C. Knudson-Martin, M.E. Wells, & S.Samman (Eds.). Socio-Emotional Relationship Therapy: Bridging Emotion, Societal Context, and Couple Interaction. New York, NY: Springer.

Williams, K., & Kim, L. (2015). Relational justice: Addressing gender and power in clinical practices for infidelity. In C. Knudson-Martin, M.W. Wells, & S. Samman (Eds.). Socio-Emotional Relationship Therapy: Bridging Emotion, Societal Context, and Couple Interaction. New York, NY: Springer.

Hernandez, B., & Kim, L. (2014). Collaborative Reflective Trainings (CRT) for mental health clinicians in medical settings.In R.A. Bean, S. Davis, & M.P. Davey (Eds.), Clinical Supervision Activities for Increasing Competence and Self-Awareness (pp. 135-140). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Kim, L., Knudson-Martin, C., & Tuttle, A. (2014). Toward relationship-directed parenting: An example of North American born second generation Korean-American mothers and their partners. Family Process, 53(1), 55-66.

Tuttle, A., Knudson-Martin, C., & Kim, L. (2012). Parenting as relationship: A framework for assessment and practice. Family Process, 51(1), 73-89.

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