Ken Cottrill

Editorial Director at MIT CTL: MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics


  • MIT CTL: MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics



MIT CTL: MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics

Ken Cottrill is Global Communications Consultant and Editorial Director at the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL).

He has more than 30 years of experience as a writer, editor, researcher and communications leader in Europe and the United States. As an award-winning writer, Ken has covered supply chain management for numerous publications including national newspapers and business journals. He has edited various publications including Supply Chain Strategy, a joint venture between MIT CTL and Harvard Business Publishing. Ken was the researcher for TV documentaries broadcast on the BBC and PBS.

Prior to his career in communications, Ken worked as a logistics planner in ocean shipping and was an officer in the British Merchant Navy. Ken holds a B.SC. (Hon) in Nautical Studies from Plymouth University, UK, an Ordinary National Certificate in Nautical Science, and a Certificate of Competency, Second Officer, Foreign Going, British Merchant Navy.

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