Ema Prisca

Lecturer at ESADE Business School


  • ESADE Business School




ESADE Business School

At heart, I’m a human nature nerd: I really love to understand, observe and study how human nature works. For my work, how it works in relations with brands.

I chose advertising because it offered me the chance to keep my interest alive, to enrich it and make use of it in a practical way: creating stories that make brands meaningful.

Since I’ve achieved a senior level, I always stayed between strategy and creativity, looking for the truth, searching obsessively for the right question. I love questions.

In the first years of my career, I have created legit campaigns and scam ads with the only motivation for awards. It paid off; I won over seventy for creativity in festivals like New York Festival, Cannes Lions, Eurobest, Epica, Golden Drum, LIA, Ador, ADC. But the dearest ones to me are those works, which made regular people, not my mom, talking about. They demonstrate the existence of purpose.

Few years ago, I enrolled for the Berlin School of Creative Leadership’s MBA, in Germany. It was the smartest decision of my career. It revealed my limitations – yes, it hurts, and born a desire to move around the world, embrace new cultures and make their brands relevant with stories. Mexico is the fourth country I’m living in, after my native Romania, and Spain and Georgia in Caucasus.

As juror in international festivals like the Golden Drum, Cresta Awards, New York Festivals, ADC Europe, Red Apple Moscow Festival, KIAF Festival, I look for the universal human truth dressed up in the local sensitivity and wit.

I did voluntary work for four years, for the ADC RO School of Creativity in Romania, teaching and tutoring over 40 alumnus. This also paid back, as I was invited by the prestigious Mexican University Tec de Monterrey to join them as Visiting Professor.

Agencies I’ve been with: Publicis Romania, Leo Burnett Romania, BBDO Romania, Kardumen Barcelona, Geometry Global, Windfors Georgia.

Brands for which I believe I have created value: Elite Coffee, Bonux, Tide, Erste Bank, Prigat Juice, Altex, Tuborg, Romanian Bank, Pepsi, Pepsi Light, Mountain Dew, Dacia Renault, Sandero Renault, Romtelecom (T-Mobile), Wrigley, Absolut Vodka, Aspirin, Borges Spain, Vibia Barcelona, imobiliare.ro, Argo Beer, Germanuli Beer, Geocell, Telia Sonera, GPI Vienna Insurance, Cinepolis Mexico, IA Interactive Mexico.


  • MBA: Berlin School of Creative Leadership, Steinbeis - Hochschule University Berlin
  • BA: Law Faculty, University of Bucharest
  • BBC School of Journalism, London

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