Christine Sneed

Fiction Faculty at Regis University/English Department Faculty at DePaul University


  • DePaul University



DePaul University

Christine Sneed is the author of the novels Please Be Advised: A Novel in Memos, Little Known Facts, and Paris, He Said, and the story collections Portraits of a Few of the People I've Made Cry and The Virginity of Famous Men (Bloomsbury USA & UK). She is also the editor of the short fiction anthology, Love in the Time of Time's Up (Tortoise Books). Her seventh book, Direct Sunlight, a short story collection, will be published in June 2023 (Northwestern University Press).

Her work has been included in The Best American Short Stories, O. Henry Prize Stories, New Stories from the Midwest, New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Chicago Tribune, ZYZZYVA, New England Review, The Southern Review, Ploughshares, Glimmer Train, O Magazine, and many other publications.

Her feature script The Female Gaze was a semifinalist in AMPAS's 2020 Nicholl Fellowship competition. She has written a number other high-placing scripts in the Austin Film Festival, CineStory Feature and TV Pilot competitions, the PAGE Awards, Atlanta Film Festival, Filmmatic, New York International Screenplay Awards, and Screencraft Comedy Feature competitions.

She has received the Grace Paley Prize for Short Fiction, the 21st Century Award from the Chicago Public Library Foundation, the Chicago Writers’ Association Book of the Year Award twice, the Society of Midland Authors’ Award, an O. Henry Prize, and Ploughshares’ Zacharis Award. She has also been a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize and the Chicago Review of Books' Fiction Award. She lives in Pasadena, CA with her partner Adam Tinkham and teaches for the graduate creative writing programs at Northwestern University and Regis University.

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