Carmen Molano

Associate Professor at ESADE Business School


  • ESADE Business School



ESADE Business School

In the year 2003 my life changed. The entire route he had planned, according to the plans set by the company, went to hell. And without it being a great crisis, but rather something unexpected, due to a series of coincidences I found myself doing a therapy that produced a surprising awakening in me .

He was 29 years old and was beginning to become aware that he had lived a life in ignorance, in unconsciousness and following very closely what the authority said, society said, the magazines said and all the others said. Me too? What did I say about all this? I didn't even know what to answer!

All this awareness was not enough for me to decide to change radically. I was afraid, very afraid... and I couldn't believe that the structure on which I had based my life was no longer working, although I tried to maintain it at all costs. For several years I resisted the change that life asked of me. He had a double life. I clung to my comfort zone and at the same time began to explore new spaces of consciousness. The old had not died and the new had not yet been born.

The fight with myself was constant and since I did not give up, Life did not stop giving me "zascas" in the form of emotional duels and material losses, to which were added suffering and many physical symptoms. The level of suffering was so great that I decided to seek help. From that moment I started a research and self-knowledge work. I bought hundreds of books, I read many of them, I signed up for courses, at least one every month, sometimes up to two or three! I tried all kinds of therapies... from the more alternative ones related to energy and the laying on of hands... to the more scientific ones related to quantum physics.

I searched and searched and searched.

Little by little, everything made sense, my whole life fit together, I saw everything differently. I had become aware of why I reacted the way I did, how my thoughts worked, how my emotions took over me, how my childhood had affected me and how related the soul, body and mind were. I experienced a change of perspective. Thousands of new ideas assailed me and turned me into an avid, voracious and insatiable seeker of THE TRUTH. I took that journey that many of us have taken on the path of Consciousness and Self-knowledge.

It has been years of research, searching, many questions and some answers. More than 14 years searching for the truth, my truth. Today I feel that I still have a long journey of self-knowledge, and I do not stop in my effort. Although now, it is different, I no longer live this process out of greed. Now I live it from the daily discovery, from the integration and from the enjoyment.

One day while researching the spirituality of other religions and other points of view, I experienced a Buddhist baptism. The officiating Lama would look into your eyes, be inspired, and give you your name in Sanskrit. The name I received was “ the one who teaches the light ”.

For a while, that phrase stayed with me. My ego deceived me and I interpreted that I should seek the light outside and show it to others. I thought I was "special". With time and a few humility cures, I understood that I had to first find my own inner light and accompany others to discover theirs. That I was UNIQUE as each one of us is: UNIQUE.

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