Brian Stone

Associate Professor at National University of Singapore


  • National University of Singapore



National University of Singapore

Citizen of the world, R Brian Stone is an Associate Professor of Design at the National University of Singapore. His award-winning work and teachings are centered in the areas of motion design, interaction design, information visualization, and user experience. Professor Stone is the co-organizer of the Motion Design Summit conferences [MODE] and is editor of a collection of essays entitled, The Theory and Practice of Motion Design: Critical Perspectives and Professional Practice published by Routledge (2018).

He is a frequent speaker at conferences and universities and has held visiting appointments at the Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial (ESDI) in Brazil, Universidad Americana Managua, Nicaragua (UAM), Shih Chien University, Taipei, and was tenured at The Ohio State University. He is the author of several articles on the subjects of UX/UI and Motion Design. His essay, Type in Motion is included in the book Teaching Motion Design: Course Offerings and Class Projects from the Leading Undergraduate and Graduate Programs edited by Steven Heller and Michael Dooley.

Apple Computer recognized Professor Stone’s teaching with the Apple Distinguished Educator award. He is also a recipient of the Ratner Distinguished Teaching Award, The Ohio State University Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching, and the Order of Omega Faculty Recognition Award.

He has served as master of ceremonies for the past 4 MODE Summits, an international conference bringing together motion design educators from different areas of expertise to present work and discuss motion and how it enhances, effects, and impacts communication. He has also been involved in the development of educational strategies and professional continuing education for Cooper + Designit.


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