Arianna Schindle

Extension Associate, Training and Organizational Development at ILR School


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ILR School

Arianna Schindle is an educator, organizer, and healer whose projects focus on building the capacities for resilience and resistance of communities and social movements. Arianna has worked in a variety of settings across the U.S., Asia, and Central America ranging from urban public schools, mental health clinics, nonprofit organizations, worker’s centers and labor unions, to private and public foundations. Arianna has more than 10 years of experience as a facilitator conducting workshops on the trauma of oppression, community organizing, and creative campaigning. She has spent many years consulting and supporting non-profits to develop integrative leadership development and peer support models, as well as addressing how systemic power impacts their values and purpose. As a healer, she has worked with individuals and communities struggling from the impacts of interpersonal and structural violence, displacement, and racial injustice. Arianna works on liberation from the inside out - building grassroots leaders, creating democratic organizational structures, developing transformative pedagogy, and fostering connections across organizations and movements. Arianna received her graduate certificates in urban public health and clinical social work at Hunter College.

Specialties: trauma informed approaches, narrative therapy, healing justice, community and labor organizing, movement building, cross movement partnership, leadership development, peer education, human rights, refugee issues, anti-incarceration, workshop and curriculum development, public policy research and advocacy at the federal and UN levels

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