Anthony Teasdale

Visiting Professor in Practice, previously Visiting Senior Fellow, European Institute at The London School of Economics and Political Science


  • The London School of Economics and Political Science



The London School of Economics and Political Science

Anthony Teasdale was Director General of the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), the in-house research centre and think tank of the European Parliament, from November 2013 to June 2022. He is a Visiting Professor in Practice at the European Institute of the London School of Economics (LSE) and an Adjunct Professor at the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) of Columbia University, New York.

Educated at Balliol and Nuffield Colleges, Oxford University, Anthony took a first-class honours degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) and an M. Phil in Politics. He subsequently worked as a political adviser and civil servant both in Whitehall and Brussels. He has served as Special Adviser to a British Foreign Secretary (Sir Geoffrey Howe) at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and to a Chancellor of the Exchequer (Kenneth Clarke) at HM Treasury in London, as well as working in the general secretariats of both the EU Council of Ministers (Ecofin Council) and the European Parliament in Brussels.

From 2002 to 2006, Anthony was Head of Policy Strategy and Legislative Planning for the EPP Group in the European Parliament. From 2007 to 2012, he worked for successive Presidents of the European Parliament - Hans-Gert Poettering and Jerzy Buzek - latterly as deputy chef de cabinet. He became Director for EU Internal Policies in the Parliament's administration in January 2012 and was appointed Director General of the new European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) on its creation the following year. The 300-strong EPRS encompasses the Members' Research Service, Library and citizens' enquiries service of the European Parliament, together with its specialist research capabilities in ex-ante impact assessment, ex-post evaluation of EU policy and law, strategic and scientific foresight, and global trends.

In the academic world, Anthony has been a Gwilym Gibbon Research Fellow of Nuffield College, Oxford, and a Lecturer in Politics at Corpus Christi and Magdalen Colleges, Oxford. Before becoming Visiting Professor in Practice at the LSE European Institute, he was a Visiting Senior Fellow at the Institute from 2011 to 2019. Since January 2020, he has been an Adjunct Professor in International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, New York (SIPA), where he teaches a course on EU policy-making and new global challenges. He is also a Fellow of the UK Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS).

Anthony speaks widely on European institutional issues and has published articles in Political Quarterly, Government and Opposition, Electoral Studies and the Journal of Common Market Studies. He is co-author of The Penguin Companion to European Union (fourth edition, 866 pp, 2012) and has published ‘The Fouchet Plan: De Gaulle’s Intergovernmental Design for Europe’ in the LEQS series at the LSE.


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