Found 18 experts

Shashi Kant

Harvard Medical School

Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School

Shashi Kiran

University of California, Davis

Lecturer at University of California, Davis

Shashi Buluswar

Haas School of Business

Lecturer at Haas School of Business

Shashi Matta


Professor of Innovation and Creativity, and Vice Dean for Internationalization, at WFI Ingolstadt School of Management at KU (the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) at -

Shashi Ranjan Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Professor at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Hamid Shokoohi

Harvard Medical School

Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at Harvard Medical School

Rakesh G. Mote

Associate Professor at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Joseph Loscalzo

Harvard Medical School

Hersey Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine at Harvard Medical School

Edwin Teo

Nanyang Technological University

Associate Professor, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering at Nanyang Technological University