Found 999+ experts

Marcus Butts

Cox School of Business

Management Professor at Cox School of Business

John R. O'Brien

Tepper School of Business

Associate Professor of Accounting and Experimental Economics Associate Dean, Carnegie Mellon University-Qatar at Tepper School of Business

Pj Lamberson

Fundação Dom Cabral


Associate Professor at University of California, Los Angeles at -

Karl Hackenbrack

Owen Graduate School of Management

Associate Professor of Management at Owen Graduate School of Management

Michael Gofman

Wisconsin School of Business

Assistant Professor - Finance at Wisconsin School of Business

Chris Shwarz

Merage School of Business

Associate Professor, Finance, Faculty Director, Center for Investment and Wealth Management at Merage School of Business

Douglas Clark

The University of Hong Kong (HKU)

Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Law at The University of Hong Kong (HKU)

Julian Wright

National University of Singapore

Lim Chong Yah Professor of Economics at National University of Singapore

Lisa Liu

Columbia Business School

Assistant Professor of Business, Accounting Division at Columbia Business School

E. Victor Ross

Harvard Medical School

Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology at University of California, San Diego / Faculty at Harvard Medical School